
Recent Stories

These stories come from the items in our collection.

Polus Antacticus - First State 1637
A map in four states plus one
Maps and charts
The State Library has five editions of a hemispherical map centred on the South Pole. These show southern parts of South America and South Africa and the west and south coasts of Australia.
Mandurah Estuary May 1979
Small towns & regional cities
Mandurah is a coastal city situated approximately 72 kilometres (45 mi) south of the state capital, Perth. Explore a brief history of the once sleepy little village.
WA Reflections production still  Reflections of Iwanoff
WA Reflections project
SLWA on ABC Radio
A discussion of the architect Iwan Iwanoff, the WA Reflections film and interactive VR project which rebuilds a now demolished Iwanoff house.
Artemis newsletter November 1987
Women's Art Forum
SLWA on ABC Radio
Dr Kate discusses ARTEMIS, an organisation devoted to raising the status of Perth women in the arts in the 1980s.
Westralias Wonderful Wildflowers page 17
Pressed wildflowers
SLWA on ABC Radio
Dr Kate as she discusses the ‘wildflower work’ of Lilian Wooster Greaves (1869-1956) who produced and exhibited pressed wildflowers from 1915.
Margaret A Feilman is awarded an honorary Doctor of Architecture
Town Planner
SLWA on ABC Radio
Dr Kate discusses the legacy of Margaret Feilman’s work as a town planner, architect and heritage conservationist.
Shirley Strickland running at East Fremantle Oval 1960
SLWA on ABC Radio
Let’s remember one of WA’s great Olympians, Shirley Strickland. The State Library holds her private archives, photographs and an oral history.
003203D Rabbit Proof Fence 1920
WA history
The Rabbit-Proof Fence has in recent years become synonymous with the ‘Stolen Generation’ through the 2002 film which explored the subject of Aboriginal children being forcibly removed from their parents by racist colonial government policy.
Shrapnel in lung x-rays on page 74
ANZAC stories
Some of the locales on the Ypres map featured in another of our ANZAC stories are mentioned in the memoirs of Westley Bellingham Maley.
DH Lawrence letter to Mollie Skinner envelope 1923
SLWA on ABC Radio
Dr Kate unpacks why we have a surprising collection of author D.H. Lawrence letters that were written to WA’s Mollie Skinner.
 Postcard of Paris sent from France 30 June 1916
World War 1 Postcards, 1945-1918
ANZAC stories
Letters and postcards show us that the people away at war turned their minds to home and family whenever possible. A fine example of this reality comes from James Leslie Turner.
Gallipoli 1915- scale 120000 Boghali cartographic material  reproduced at the Survey Dept Egypt
Gallipoli 1915 & Ypres 1917
ANZAC stories
Maps and charts
WA history
In 1915 and 1917, our historical maps of Gallipoli and Ypres were working documents. Paying attention to them could be the difference between a soldier writing home or someone else writing to their family.