For publishers & authors Legal deposit

State Library is an active participant in PANDORA - Preserving and Accessing Networked Documentary Resources of Australia - a national archive of Australian online publications and websites. In 2004, PANDORA was placed on UNESCO's Memory of the World for Digital Heritage.

Our involvement

Since 2004 State Library of Western Australia has:

  • ensured that Western Australian websites are preserved for future generations
  • provided selection guidelines emphasising Western Australian content and web material published online.

Selection for PANDORA

PANDORA contains a wide range of selected online resources. They include publications by government agencies, academic institutions and other publishers; websites by numerous organisations and community groups; and others covering various subject areas, interests and activities.

Also included are political issues and election campaigns, festivals and events, and blogs. Recent collecting initiatives include 2021 Western Australia State Election Campaign and the Corona (COVID-19 Panademic and Australia 2020-2021.

New resources are added to PANDORA selectively, with an emphasis on collecting and preserving online content considered authoritative, significant and as having long-term research value. Selection is based on Selection Guidelines.

Accessing PANDORA

The PANDORA Archive is hosted by the National Library of Australia (NLA).  Access is available directly through the PANDORA homepage , The Australian Web Archive or you can browse SLWA's PANDORA content in our catalogue.