The post office directories published by H. Pierssené and then by H. Wise & Co. are an invaluable source of information for anyone who is doing family history or research on Western Australia during the period 1893-1949.
The post office directories provide information by locality, individual surname, government service, and by trade or profession. The different sections enable the enquirer to see at a glance the householders or businesses in any one town; the address of any householder or business in the State; and the businesses or individuals throughout Western Australia engaged in any trade or profession.
The annual tables of contents provide links to each page. While it is not possible to do a text search on the directories, finding listings by localities, surnames, etc., is easy using the contents pages.
The complete set of Western Australia post office directories have been made available online with funding from the Friends of Battye Library Maude Sholl Bequest and the Bizzaca Family.