Awards & Fellowships

Annie Hudson Manager at the Bindoon Library accepting award from Hon John Day
Promoting innovation and collaboration in the library sector by any person, library or organisation in Western Australia. Winners of the 2024 Awards announced.
Kay Poustie Honour Board
The scholarship supports the development of professional staff working in the WA public library network and aims to enhance library services through research and learning experiences. 2024 winners announced.
Lennie McCall AM Dr Kerry Smith AM Richard Hazlewood Emeritus Professor Margaret Nowak AM Dr Ronda Jamieson Margaret Allen PSM FALIA and Sue North - Fellows of the Library Board
The Award recognises a person, a group of people or an organisation that has furthered the cause of library services in Western Australia.
 Joyce Mercy arriving at Perth Airport to visit Aboriginal Groups in Perth ca1962
The State Library of Western Australia is pleased to open a $10 000 Fellowship for Aboriginal Researchers in 2024. Applications now closed.
Protestors take the knee - in deference to George Floyds death at the hands of a police officer - for one minute at the intersection of St Georges Terrace and Barrack Street during the march at the 2nd Black Lives Matter protest rally
A $10 000 grant for researchers and scholars to enhance understanding of WA through research based on the State Library’s heritage collections. Applications now closed.
DJ at the pond in the Perth Cultural Centre as part of the Centenary of Federation National Conference of Young People September 2001
at the State Library of Western Australia
Two $20 000 researcher-in-residence opportunities, to investigate and examine the newly digitised WA audio and audio-visual (AV) history collections to advance online discovery and curation. Applications now closed.
WA Premiers Book Awards 2025 title treatment
The State Library is proud to launch the 2025 Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards with a total prize pool of $120,000 and four new categories.
Doris Pilkington Garimara AM Hall of Fame
Find out about notable and prolific WA writers.