
Recent Stories

These stories come from the items in our collection.

Letter from Gallipoli written by JFW MacLeod on cigarette packet back June 1915
ANZAC stories
A letter written on a cigarette packet during the Gallipoli Campaign, signed "Julius of Talisker", to his sister, "Thel".
314564PD Earl Street Albany with the old Nesbitts Cash Store on the corner of Spencer Street at right October 1986 The old store later became the Earl of Spencer Inn
Small towns & regional cities
Albany is located 419km south of Perth on the breathtaking south coast of Western Australia. In this story you will find only a few of the over 1600 photographs we have of Albany in our collection.
Sand dunes
Dr Kate on ABC Radio
Aboriginal stories
SLWA on ABC Radio
The State Library’s Storylines program is an online portal for Aboriginal communities and families around the State digitally returning thousands of photographs of Aboriginal people.
Behind the scenes of Murder on the Dancefloor 3
WA Reflections 2021 project
SLWA on ABC Radio
Listen to the incredible case of the murder of Cyril Gidley by his spurned lover Audrey Jacob at the Government House Ballroom in 1925, brought to life in a new short film.
BA369AM57 Merredin Railway Yard August 1968
Small towns & regional cities
Merredin is located 256 kilometres east of Perth in the Central Wheatbelt. Prior to European settlement the area was inhabited by the Nyaki-Nyaki Noongar Aboriginal language group.
140780PD Tom Price - from hotel ca 1970
Small towns & regional cities
Tom Price is a mining town situated in the Pilbara region. The town is located inland on the edge of the Hamersley Range.
142348PD Gold mine at Boulder
Small towns & regional cities
Boulder lies 595 Kilometres east of Perth. In 2016 its population was 4,825, a lot short of the 5,600 in its gold mining heyday of 1903.
Drawing of a shell specimen collected at Shark Bay
SLWA on ABC Radio
Dr Kate and Dr Shino Konishi discuss the French exploration voyages to the Western Australian coast in the early 1800s and a very special watercolour and ink drawing in the State Library collection.
Entry sign for the town of Nyabing 2018
Small towns & regional cities
Nyabing is a small town in the Great Southern region of Western Australia 319 km south east of Perth. Its population is around 290 people.
Cast and crew of Generation Hi-Fi
WA Reflections 2021 project
SLWA on ABC Radio
Join Dr Adam Trainer from the State Library with HiFi Club President Colin Nichol and filmmaker Dominic Pratt as they discuss the WA Reflections project and the first film to be launched from it – Generation Hi-Fi.
Collage of WA Reflections production stills
WA history
The State Library partnered with Screenwest to deliver the WA Reflections initiative. WA filmmakers created five short documentaries and a VR experience to transform and showcase stories from the Library's collections.
Original artwork by Johnny Warrkatja Malibirr for A Little Birds Day Here comes Moon
SLWA on ABC Radio
Listen to Dr Kate on ABC Radio Perth as she explores the picture book Little Bird’s Day by Sally Morgan and Johnny Warrkatja Malibirr. The original illustrations for the book are held within the State Library collection.