
Recent Stories

These stories come from the items in our collection.

Operation Plowshare marketing brochure
SLWA on ABC Radio
“He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares…” (from the Book of Isiah)
May Lorna OBrien is featured on the front page of the January 1954 edition
SLWA on ABC Radio
This week Dr Kate discusses the landmark Westralian Aborigine newspaper – the first Aboriginal newspaper in Western Australia, which ran from early December 1953 until July 1957.
Extract from SROWA Cons 3640 Item 190513897
SLWA on ABC Radio
Damien Hassan, Senior Archivist at the State Records Office picks up the story based on the government files held in the State archives collection.
One of the coded telegrams sent to the Colonial Secretary about the expected war with Russia
SLWA on ABC Radio
This week, Damien Hassan, Senior Archivist at the State Records Office, looks into the matter and how Russian spies had been sent to WA in preparation for war.
The Western Australian chronicle  Perth gazette 1831
SLWA on ABC Radio
Discussing early WA newspapers with a focus on The Fremantle Observer, Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, first published in April 1831.
Aftermath of the Meckering earthquake 1968
SLWA on ABC Radio
The earthquake that shook the wheatbelt town of Meckering in 1968 was a terrifying event for those that experienced it and remains deeply etched in the memories of many 52 years after the event.
John Exton photo courtesy of Stephen Benfall
SLWA on ABC Radio
This week we talk music, and in particular the private archive of John Exton, who taught at the University of Western Australia’s Music Department between 1966 and 1988.
The Public Health Department produced and issued educational material to raise community awareness of fly control
SLWA on ABC Radio
This week Damien Hassan, Senior Archivist at the State Records Office, discusses steps taken by the State government in 1962 to ensure the Empire Games held in Perth in that year were a “no-fly” zone.
Certificate presented to Grace Vernon Bussell 8 January 1878 for her Georgette rescue work
SLWA on ABC Radio
A range of separate but connected collection items and the story behind them. The Georgette Rescue and the role of Sam Isaacs and Grace Bussell within it has become part of West Australian folklore.
Later prisoner mugshot of convict George Roberts transported to Western Australia for theft
SLWA on ABC Radio
Damien Hassan, Senior Archivist at the State Records Office, talks about a secret language used by convicts that allowed them to converse without authorities understanding what they were saying.
Watercolour and ink drawing of Shark Bay
SLWA on ABC Radio
Dr Kate looks at a collection that is widely acknowledged as one of the State Library's treasures – the Freycinet Collection.
Banned Bumper Stickers
SLWA on ABC Radio
Damien Hassan, Senior Archivist at the State Records Office, discusses something a bit unexpected in the State archives collection: banned bumper stickers.