
Ella and Faulkner Mackay looking at photograph album
Cherished Family Mementos from the Collection
The Keepsake exhibition examines why mementos and everyday objects often hold the key to family history and ultimately shape who and how we identify ourselves. Showcasing cherished family moments from the State Library’s collection.
Ilford Orloff Awards Exhibition 2024
Pro Photography WA
Photography exhibition revealing the finalists in the second annual Ilford Orloff Awards. Named after one of WA’s pioneering photographers, Izzy Orloff, the Awards celebrate the best in contemporary professional photography across the State.
May Holman ca 1917
Roll of Honour
The WA Women’s Hall of Fame recognises more than 300 women for their inspiring work and achievements. This exhibition spotlights inductees whose legacy lives on through the Roll of Honour and in the State Library’s collection.
Mechanical fitter apprentice Alex Remkes with production technicians Sammy Petrucco and Jo Anne Secker working at the BHP Billiton port facility in Port Hedland 2017
Suited, booted and ready for anything. A collection of photographs charting the way women have used their wardrobes to stamp their identity working inside or outside of the home.
On the Way to Nanas cover artwork spread
Hop into a four-wheel drive and embark on a 1000km road trip through Western Australia’s breathtaking Kimberley landscape. Visit the Story Place Gallery on the Mezzanine Level for our latest kids’ exhibition.
Sam Lovell standing beside his tour vehicle in the Kimberley c1987
An in-depth look at Kimberley icon Sam Lovell’s trailblazing contribution to WA’s cultural tourism industry. Discover Sam’s life as a drover, road builder, storyteller, tour guide and country musician.

Upcoming Events

Story Time with child hugging toy
An Extra Special Story Time
Better Beginnings is turning 20, so join us for an exciting Story Time & Play Time and celebrate with Cinderella and Prince Charming.
Story Time - Dad with son
Weekly on Monday, 10:30am - 12pm until Mon 7 Apr 2025
Interactive story fun for pre-schoolers and their carers. Followed by a half hour Play Time where families can explore literacy and learning through reading, talking, singing, writing and playing together.
English Conversation session at the State Library
Practise English at the State Library
Weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday, 1:30 - 2:30pm until Wed 9 Apr 2025
Join our new English conversation groups, a friendly place to practise your language skills and make new friends.
Tale of Two Libraries promotional image featuring City of Perth library and State Library entrance
Join us for some library love and see what really happens behind the scenes in Perth’s favourite libraries. This tour begins at the State Library of Western Australia and finishes at the City of Perth Library.
Better Beginnings Rhyme Time
Weekly on Friday, 10:30am - 12pm until Fri 11 Apr 2025
Songs, rhymes and stories for babies and their families, followed by an hour of Play Time to help develop early literacy and learning skills.
Reading at book on a smart device
Monthly on the third Wednesday, 7:30 - 8:30pm until Wed 16 Apr 2025
Online digital book club. Every month, join author David Allan-Petale in conversation with a new author to discuss their book. This month’s featured title should be available to borrow from your local library or the Libby app with no waitlists or holds!
The Lumpers picnic South Perth Zoological and Botanical Gardens 1928
Getting started
Every 3 months on the last Wednesday, 11am - 1pm until Wed 26 Nov 2025
Do you want to find out about your family history and don’t know where to start? Let us help you at one of our free and friendly talks at the State Library and we’ll show you.
Families attend a camp service Mt Margaret Mission with singing and the message in language ca1950
Monthly on the last Wednesday, 2 - 4pm until Wed 26 Nov 2025
The Storylines project connects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to the State Library's heritage, history and photographic collections.
The Australian Dream withTim Ross orange promotional image
with Tim Ross
From the ‘burbs, to the bush, to the inner city, Australians are obsessed with the idea of home and the dream of home ownership. Comedian and architecture enthusiast Tim Ross is bringing his new live show to Perth.
Dorothy Tangney with her Chevrolet 1929
This event will officially open the WA Women's Hall of Fame exhibition and will also feature live conversations with some of 2025’s newest inductees.
Sam Lovell in his 4WD prepared for driving the Kimberley Safari inaugural trip
Join us to celebrate the opening of Hello, this is Sam Lovell, an exhibition celebrating Kimberley icon Sam Lovell’s trailblazing contribution to WA’s cultural tourism industry including musical guests and curators' talk.
Paola Magni
Professor Paola Magni is a forensic scientist, crime scene investigator and Australian Ambassador for the Red Shoes violence against family and gender-based violence campaign. Come and hear from a remarkable West Australian woman.

Awards, Grants, Fellowships & Projects

Tom Jewell and sister Joan at the Royal Show 1949
Information on Battye Fellowships, Premier's Book Awards, scholarships and Library Board awards.
Child and parent looking at Kids Kanopy on laptop screen
Find out about available community, public library and Better Beginnings Grants.
Physical exhibitions turned into virtual tours and digital exhibitions.