
Recent Stories

These stories come from the items in our collection.

Graham the Bookseller
The Bookseller
Humans of the Library
"I grew up in a very rough part of London where you had to fight for your right to walk in the street. It was so terrible I used to hide in the library.
Kate the Justice Warrior
The Justice Warrior
Humans of the Library
"I work as a law clerk for a personal injury firm representing survivors of childhood sexual abuse. I’m in the Library uncovering information and images that will help our clients identify their abusers.
Gemma - the Scientist
The Scientist
Humans of the Library
"As a scientist and researcher I spend a lot of my time in libraries. The library is a comforting space where I feel at home. A place to work, study and meet.
Eva - The Kid


The Kid
Humans of the Library
"I am 10 in two days. Double figures! I like coming to the Library because I want to read and I need a quiet place to do this.
Ralph the Believer
The Believer
Humans of the Library
"These two beans from Victoria took off up north to Queensland. Ended up in ‘Cairns” (cans). Serious now, if it wasn’t for the Library I don’t know where I’d have ended up.
Yasmine the Pilot
The Pilot
Humans of the Library
"I have the soul of a tomboy. I sky drive. Kick box. I ride a motor bike. I am fearless and competitive. I came to Perth from Paris (via London) three years ago on a student visa to do my dream of flying small and vintage planes like Tiger Moths.
Sochoeurn the Monk
The Monk
Humans of the Library
"I am studying to achieve a Certificate in English at TAFE. I come to the Library in the afternoons to read, do assignments and homework. I am also preparing for my Australian citizenship.
Olivia - The Student
The Student
Humans of the Library
"I’m scared of the ocean. I have a recurring dream where I wake up alone in the sea with no land in sight. Perhaps it’s because I’ve watched too many shark movies.