
Recent Stories

These stories come from the items in our collection.

Myrtle and Jim Brennan on their wedding day
In her own words
Aboriginal stories
Born in Darlow, near Leonora, Myrtle Brennan was a young girl when she and her mother were sent to Moore River Settlement against their will.
Riding a camel in front of the Union Bank Port Hedland ca 1910
A Royal Tragedy
WA history
Ameer "Dusty" Dost Mohamet (1904 -1987) oral history. Father was an Indian prince and camel proprietor who met his mother, Annie in Coolgardie. Both of his parents were murdered and his siblings sent to orphanages.
Recording the burn with Nyul Nyul rangers at Beagle Bay
Women knowing fire
Aboriginal stories
Photographs and films
A podcast and short film exploring the fire knowledge of Aboriginal women. Such knowledge has been essential to the survival and cultural practices of Indigenous communities across millennia.
Hyland family acrobats 190-
Photographs and films
WA history
Agnes Hyland (1878-1939) was a professional horse trainer and circus performer that travelled the world in the early 1900s. She performed at the coronation of King George V, was a part of the Barnum and Bailey Circus and became the star act in Hyland's Circus.
Marie Taylor Elder in Residence The Wetland Centre walks with Professor Stephen Hopper UWA at Walliabup Bibra Lake
Aboriginal stories
Photographs and films
WA history
A film exploring the rich knowledge held by the Whadjuk women of the Nyungar nation about the trees of southwestern Australia who understand their specific qualities, uses and value to the Nyungar people.
Effie Fellows ca 1915
Australia’s Perfect Boy
Photographs and films
WA history
Billed as "Australia's Perfect Boy", Effie Marion Fellows (1893 - 1977) led an extraordinary life and incredible career as a male impersonator. She toured the world, married twice and was described by a New York newspaper as "one of the greatest boy impersonators in her line".
Western Australia Bonnes 40 chain cadastral map 1D40 1917
WA Bonnes 80 chain cadastral maps
Maps and charts
WA history
The Preservation Team has recently completed digitising the Western Australia Bonnes 80 chain cadastral series of maps covering most of the lower third of Western Australia and showing land boundaries from approximately 1896-1984.
Robert Juniper painting 1977
WA history
Robert Litchfield Juniper was an artist, art teacher, illustrator, painter, printmaker and sculptor, whose art captured the rough scruffiness of the Australian bush.
Guide dog Corrie ca 1960
WA history
Professor Arnold Cook (1922-1981) was blind by the age of 18, yet despite his challenges he pioneered the first guide dog movement in Australia with his beloved labrador Dreena by his side.
Voices logo
Video and audio recordings
Aboriginal stories
WA history
Hear from leading politicians, community Elders, academics and youth leaders and find out why your voice mattered in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to parliament 2023 referendum—recordings from two events held before the referendum.
Album Planned Japanese Invasion of Australia and New Zealand 1942
Spy Maps
ANZAC stories
Maps and charts
WA history
A rare album relating to the Japanese Imperial Army's plan to invade Australia and New Zealand during World War II.
Soviet military city plans of Perth - north 1985
Spy Maps
Maps and charts
WA history
The Red Atlas details the story of how the Soviet Army used spies to conduct a global topographic mapping program from 1950 to 1990 with astonishing detail that supported a full range of military planning.