Languages and Literacy

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LOTE4Kids is a digital collection of picture books (ebooks and audiobooks) in a diverse range of World Languages.

person tapping on a screen
Hoopla is a digital media service that allows library members to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on their computer or mobile device with no holds or waiting.

Open Library collects details of published books. It also holds loanable copies of ebooks including some about or from Australia. It makes audiobooks available to print for disabled people.

Project Gutenberg is an online library of free eBooks. It largely contains books that are in the public domain. These have been digitised by volunteers.
First Languages Australia promotes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. The site contains educational resources including an interactive languages map.
Nyungar Wardan Katitjin Bidi is a Nyungar knowledge trail. It presents Aboriginal values and knowledge about living on the coast.
The Conversation publishes research-based news and analysis - a result of collaboration between academics and journalists. It aims to provide independent, transparent and high quality discussions.
The Auslan signbank is a language resource site for Auslan (Australian Sign Language). It includes an Auslan dictionary, medical and health signs, Auslan classes and videos.
SCSA's pages on the senior school WA curriculum is a helpful source of information for students studying for ATAR or WACE qualifications.
The SBS Cultural Atlas focuses on the cultural backgrounds of migrants to Australia. It is a useful educational tool and aims to promote cross-cultural understanding.
Noongar Boodjar has information and learning resources about the Noongar language and dialects, including resources and books on Noongar culture.
Khan Academy produces short video lessons, and includes practice exercises and materials for educators. All resources are free.