Sketchbook Project

State Library Level 1
Free exhibition, no tickets required

The Sketchbook Project invites young people across WA to share their personal stories, thoughts, artistry, and passions by filling out a small sketchbook. A collaborative and visual experience that allows young people to share their personal stories and passions with the wider community across Western Australia.

As part of the 2024 Youth Week WA KickstART Festival, the Propel Youth Arts Sketchbook Project is being exhibited at the State Library of Western Australia! 

Propel sends free blank sketchbooks to individuals, libraries, schools, community groups and organisations across WA each year. Participation is open to all young people aged 12 - 26, who are free to fill their sketchbooks with anything that takes their imagination - drawings, photos, poems, paintings, cut-outs, collages and more!