The State Library publishes datasets created from bibliographic data stored in its catalogues, digitised heritage data from the collections and statistical data collected as part of library operations. Several data sets have been made available on the data.wa.gov.au website. Highlights from our dataset collection include:
- Richard Woldendorp Collection of Photographs
- WA Theatre Ephemera
- Obituaries
- Commonwealth Games Photographs
- Digitised Maps 1840-1985
- Western Australian Biographical index (WABI)
- Western Australian Newspapers
- Western Australian Public Library Network
- State Library of Western Australia digital photographic collection
- Krantz & Sheldon Architectural images
- Bird Songs Online
The datasets are released under a Creative Commons Attribution License (cc-by). Anyone is welcome to make use of these datasets for research, visualisation, re-telling WA stories and anything else you can think of. Please share the results with us if you do.
Contact the State Library’s Library Applications Support to request further datasets, to show us what you have built or give feedback on the sets currently on offer.