The Atlas of Living Australia is an online database of Australian biodiversity. It includes education resources, interactive maps and citizen science projects.
Australian Book Review Online Edition is an enhanced version of the magazine Australian Book Review. Created in 1961, it publishes reviews, essays, commentaries and creative writing. ABR Online Edition provides a full range of critical and creative writing from around Australia.
Be Connected aims to improve confidence, skills and online safety of Australians. It is an Australian Government initiative empowering people to thrive in the digital world.
The Biodiversity Heritage Library contains many books and archives on global biodiversity. Full text of rare and early publications relating to Western Australia is available.
Design & Art Australia Online contains data about Australian artists, designers, craftspeople and curators. The site is a space for people to share and analyse data about Australian art and design history.
The Directory of Open Access Journals provides free peer-reviewed journals. There are over 15,000 journals available with high quality full research articles. The articles are available in a variety of languages and cover a number of subjects.
Fremantle Herald contains the archives of four independent WA newspapers. This includes the Cockburn City Herald, Melville City Herald and Perth voice. The archives span from 2012 to the present and are in PDF form.
The Goodwill Community Foundation offers free online courses on technical and creative topics. These aim to improve skills and knowledge using videos, games and interactive lessons.
Historical Panoramas features panoramic photographs of Perth and Fremantle. These panoramas show how Perth has developed over a period of more than 150 years.
IBISWorld's AU & NZ Enterprise Profiles analyse thousands of leading enterprises across Australia and New Zealand, including: ASX and NZX listed companies; public, private and foreign-owned companies; local, state and federal government departments.
Legal Aid is the largest provider of legal aid services in Western Australia, with over 300 lawyers and support staff in 9 offices across Perth and regional WA.
Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (LISTA) indexes more than 500 core journals, most with available full text and books, research reports and proceedings for librarianship, classification, cataloguing, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management.
Map Search allows layering of various historical Australian maps over current maps. It provides an interactive way of exploring how places have changed over time.