Membership Policy

1. Purpose

To ensure that clients are aware of the eligibility for membership to the State Library, the benefits of joining and the responsibilities of membership.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all State Library clients whether they are in the building or access the Library from remote locations. The Library provides a range of services, some of which are available to all clients and others which are available only to members of the Library. Specific details of the various categories of membership and the conditions of membership are made available on the Library’s website.


Client - any person that uses the Library’s resources and services whether they do so within the building or remotely
Member – any person that registers for Library membership and makes use of additional resources and services.

3. Context

The State Library provides membership to enable clients to access a range of services and resources where authentication is required.
While confidentiality is maintained at all times, some membership details are accessed to better understand the Library’s clients and to target services to their changing needs.

4. Policy Statement

It is the policy of the Library Board of Western Australia that membership is available free to all clients whether they use the building or access the Library from remote locations. In some instances, temporary membership may only be provided.

Any person is welcome to use the facilities, services, collections and equipment in the public areas of the Library and access the resources on the State Library website.

Members of the Library will be able to access additional services offered by the Library. To become a member, clients must provide accurate and verifiable personal identification, address details and abide by the conditions of membership. Clients of no fixed address must provide alternative personal identification. Membership privileges may be revoked if false information is provided or the conditions of membership are not followed.

Should membership information be used for library marketing purposes by the Library, confidentiality will be maintained at all times under the terms of the Library’s Privacy Policy.

5. Responsibilities

Manager: Client Services (content and implementation).

6. References

  • Lending Policy
  • Privacy Policy

Approved, Library Board, 7 December 2017.

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