SLWA on ABC Radio

DSCF1765Julie Raffaele Battye Fellow
SLWA on ABC Radio
WA history
Dr Kate and Julie Raffaele, discuss her research into the Smelters' Camp (aka Robb Jetty Camp) - a transient person's campsite that existed for over half a century (1898 to 1960) among the dunes of Cockburn Sound and was originally an Aboriginal gathering place.
006758d May Holman 1920s
Australia’s first female Labor parliamentarian
SLWA on ABC Radio
WA history
Join Dr Kate as she explores the extraordinary life of May Holman, Australia’s first female Labor parliamentarian, a member of the WA Legislative Assembly from 1925 -1939.
Chart of the Swan River by Francois-Antoine Boniface Heirisson 1801
'Walking on Water' podcast
SLWA on ABC Radio
Dr Kate and producer Gina Pickering, on ABC Radio, discuss making the new State Library podcast series ‘Rare Stories from the West’.
WA Reflections Rolling through time behind the scenes
WA Reflections 2021 project
SLWA on ABC Radio
A discussion about how this mini-documentary took Sir Frederick Samson's personal film collection and transposed it over 21st century Fremantle as explored by a skater.
Polly Farmer exhibit
Aboriginal stories
SLWA on ABC Radio
Senior Subject Specialist John Hughes, delves into the newly acquired Graham "Polly" Farmer collection and the history of this extraordinary footballer.
Artemis newsletter November 1987
Women's Art Forum
SLWA on ABC Radio
Dr Kate discusses ARTEMIS, an organisation devoted to raising the status of Perth women in the arts in the 1980s.
Shirley Strickland running at East Fremantle Oval 1960
SLWA on ABC Radio
Let’s remember one of WA’s great Olympians, Shirley Strickland. The State Library holds her private archives, photographs and an oral history.
DH Lawrence letter to Mollie Skinner envelope 1923
SLWA on ABC Radio
Dr Kate unpacks why we have a surprising collection of author D.H. Lawrence letters that were written to WA’s Mollie Skinner.
Sand dunes
Dr Kate on ABC Radio
Aboriginal stories
SLWA on ABC Radio
The State Library’s Storylines program is an online portal for Aboriginal communities and families around the State digitally returning thousands of photographs of Aboriginal people.
Behind the scenes of Murder on the Dancefloor 3
WA Reflections 2021 project
SLWA on ABC Radio
Listen to the incredible case of the murder of Cyril Gidley by his spurned lover Audrey Jacob at the Government House Ballroom in 1925, brought to life in a new short film.
Drawing of a shell specimen collected at Shark Bay
SLWA on ABC Radio
Dr Kate and Dr Shino Konishi discuss the French exploration voyages to the Western Australian coast in the early 1800s and a very special watercolour and ink drawing in the State Library collection.
Cast and crew of Generation Hi-Fi
WA Reflections 2021 project
SLWA on ABC Radio
Join Dr Adam Trainer from the State Library with HiFi Club President Colin Nichol and filmmaker Dominic Pratt as they discuss the WA Reflections project and the first film to be launched from it – Generation Hi-Fi.