Ralph The Believer

Inspired by the social media phenomenon Humans of New York, we have been uncovering the Library's greatest treasure, the people who breathe life into its spaces - the 'Humans of the Library'.

Meet Ralph - The Believer.

"These two beans from Victoria took off up north to Queensland. Ended up in ‘Cairns” (cans). Serious now, if it wasn’t for the Library I don’t know where I’d have ended up.

Three years ago I was not in a good place. I was searching for answers in life and began to think I was going to die drinking and working.

Then I saw Pastor Margaret Court of the Victory Life Church on TV. She said learning the Bible could tell you how you should live your life and make it better. I started coming to the Library to listen to the Bible on audio tape.

Now I’m happiest when I’m learning the Bible and telling another people that there’s more things in life. The Bible has taught me faith, hope, forgiveness, to find peace and to put the past behind me.

Over the years coming to the Library and listening to the Bible has taught me how to READ. I can come here, sit back in quiet and learn about anything, like history. I have learnt how to work computers. The staff are kind hearted too.

The Library feeds me.

My greatest fear today? My faith and understanding in God and knowing that the spirit lives on eternally means I have no fear or uncertainty about what happens next. The Bible is the road map in life to heaven and now I’m on the right road."