Olivia The Student

Inspired by the social media phenomenon Humans of New York, we have been uncovering the Library's greatest treasure, the people who breathe life into its spaces - the 'Humans of the Library'.

Meet Olivia - The Student.

"I’m scared of the ocean. I have a recurring dream where I wake up alone in the sea with no land in sight. Perhaps it’s because I’ve watched too many shark movies. Or maybe because I don’t like being alone. I come to the Library because I feel isolated when I study at home. Here I’m more focused and feel supported being around other people.

At home I get easily distracted by things. Like tidying my room or working on my art project - It’s an oil painting of me screaming. While I may appear calm on the outside, anger can quickly build up inside me. Like when my sister steals my leggings or dad eats my yoghurt.

My sister is the most influential person in my life. She is older than me by two minutes. Mum tells her off for parenting me because she is always telling me what to do but I just accept it. I’m good at seeing the bright side of things.

When do you feel the happiest? Probably when I’m travelling with my family. I can just be myself, no judging."