Charlotte The Student

Inspired by the social media phenomenon Humans of New York, we have been uncovering the Library's greatest treasure, the people who breathe life into its spaces - the 'Humans of the Library'.

Meet Charlotte - The Student.

"One night I was studying at the State Library when a student suddenly stood up at her desk and started crying. After about two minutes she stopped, sat back down and went back to her study.

Looking around it was though nothing had ever happened. She wasn’t told off or made to feel uncomfortable. Her outpouring of emotion was just accepted. Everyone is accepted at the library. There is no judging. If I didn’t have to catch public transport to get here, I’d come wearing my pajamas!

I am in the library studying for Year 11 exams. The library is like an office for students or a big classroom but more relaxed. It’s quiet, light and I get more done here than I do at school. Just being around other students studying makes you feel that you should to do the same. I have always believed that home should be a place for rest, family, cooking and eating, not for study.

I have been coming to the State Library for a few years. My parents are divorced so I spend a lot of time moving between houses which can be unsettling. The library is easy to access by train and bus, it is my rock, it’s always here for me.

Family is important. I don’t look up to too many people but the most influential person in my life is my Grandmother. She is Chinese. She was smart but she couldn’t go to university because she was a girl. Despite this, she did her best anyway. She is kind, empathetic and good with people.

My greatest fear would be losing my sister. She was only four (I was ten) when our parents divorced. I took on a parenting role, we are very close. I was worried at first but think she’ll be fine now. My advice to her is to be yourself unapologetically."