
Original artwork by artistauthor Leigh Hobbs
Gain an insight into the process and artwork of author and artist, Leigh Hobbs. See original artworks, drafts and character studies and hear Leigh discuss his career and works in a short video interview.
Original artwork from A perfectly posh pink afternoon tea
for A Perfectly Posh Pink Afternoon Tea
Take a look at into the art and process of illustrating children's picture books with Gabriel Evans. See drafts, sketches, colour tests and storyboards. Evans work is playfully rendered with watercolour, gauche and ink in high key colour.
Original illustration from the book Our stories Ten Pound Pom  Liz Anelli
Tilbury Docks
This short animation shows how Liz Annelli created the illustrations for Ten Pound Pom using a combination of techniques
Illustration from Tales from outer suburbia by Shaun Tan
With illustrations dating from 1920 to the present day, the Peter Williams Collection collection showcases the artistry and diversity of Australia’s picture books. Discover highlights, exhibitions, interviews with creators and materials about the illustration process.
Original artwork by Johnny Warrkatja Malibirr for A Little Birds Day Here comes Moon
SLWA on ABC Radio
Listen to Dr Kate on ABC Radio Perth as she explores the picture book Little Bird’s Day by Sally Morgan and Johnny Warrkatja Malibirr. The original illustrations for the book are held within the State Library collection.