You Only Die Once Audio recording of the panel discussion on death and dying

An audio recording of the You Only Die Once panel conversation held in the State Library Theatre.

The panel discussion aimed to break taboos, ask and answer some important questions about death and dying. What does a “good death” look like? How important is choice and control in having a dignified end-of-life? Why is death still such a taboo topic for some communities, and how might community be the very answer to some of our most difficult questions concerning death?

Facilitated by accomplished international journalist and palliative care advocate Rita Alfred-Saggar, you are about to hear a discussion with experts in there field - CEO of Palliative Care WA, Lana Glogowski; Founder and Director of the human rights-focussed Metis Centre Dr Marilyn Metta and Director of Tender Funerals  Perth, Jane House.

This discussion was born out of the development of a fascinating new collection of oral histories by the State Library and the Centre for Stories on Death and Dying. Moving, raw and at times astounding, Death and Dying explores death through 13 stories covering diverse topics, cultural perspectives, and ideas. We invite you to continue learning about this important subject through the series.

Brought to you by the State Library of Western Australia, Centre for Stories and Palliative Care WA.

Recorded at the State Library of WA on 29 October 2022.


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