She’ll be Apples The WA women shaping the orchard industry

She’ll be Apples reveals the hidden backstory of the Lady Williams apple and the role of cultivator and innovator Maud Williams, who is truly at the core of Western Australia’s multi-million dollar apple industry.

In this podcast, we hear from Maud’s family about frugal post-war regional life and know her passion for a particular apple tree that would create an indelible foundation for WA’s internationally renowned apples, including the Pink Lady and Bravo.

We meet Lyn Green, who as a little girl, created the Lady Williams name and leading contemporary entrepreneurial women like Newton Orchards Director Nic Giblett, who is growing and rethinking the apple industry in fresh ways.

Author Jon Doust introduces us to the genetic complexity of apples, while Dr Helen Cripps reflects on her father’s legacy and the role of women in agriculture.

This curious and pomiferous yarn from Gina Pickering proves it's crunch time for women’s history. At the same time, Australian Catholic University historian Susan Broomhall reminds us the archive, more often than not, holds the answers. We just need to ask the right questions.

This podcast shares a significant West Australian story not previously well-known. The podcast, photographs and other related material interviews have recently been donated to the State Library’s West Australian collections and are available online through the catalogue.

This podcast was commissioned by the Australian Catholic University, researched by Professor Susan Broomhall and written and produced by Gina Pickering from Latitude Creative Services. 

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