Yasmine The Pilot

Inspired by the social media phenomenon Humans of New York, we have been uncovering the Library's greatest treasure, the people who breathe life into its spaces - the 'Humans of the Library'.

Meet Yasmine -The Pilot.

"I have the soul of a tomboy. I sky drive. Kick box. I ride a motor bike. I am fearless and competitive.

I came to Perth from Paris (via London) three years ago on a student visa to do my dream of flying small and vintage planes like Tiger Moths.

It was Richard Branson’s book ‘Screw it lets do it’ that inspired my dream. He wrote of his mother who was an air hostess (as I was) who disguised herself as a boy to learn to how to fly. It was a real story that made me believe that if I have the will, I can be what ever I want to be, even an astronaut!

I come to the library most days because as well as learning to fly I am studying Leadership Management online. When I arrived in Perth I looked for a quiet place to come with good energy where I could focus and I found it here. I share the same mood with other people studying in the library. I use the Wi-Fi and the free computers, I feel safe and have got to know the staff, the library is my second home.

My fears? I can barely bring myself to say it but I only have one fear in my life and that is the fear of losing my mother. She is a strong, independent and tough woman. As a child I would look at her with big eyes wanting to be like her.

The happiest moment in my life? It would be my first solo flight. It was an amazing feeling - freedom, laughing and shouting out loud, no fear, like being a child, a pure moment.

I consider myself to be a lucky person. I am grateful to be pursuing my dreams. I have my faith, hope, health, family and friends.

Find your passion, find your happiness."