Mariya The Mother

Inspired by the social media phenomenon Humans of New York, we have been uncovering the Library's greatest treasure, the people who breathe life into its spaces - the 'Humans of the Library'.

Meet Mariya -The Mother.

"I came to Australia with my husband and two daughters over a year ago. At first I did not leave the house because I was worried I would not be able to communicate with or be understood by other people. I had lived in Malaysia for two years before and did not go out for this reason.

But I became bored and the children needed to go out so my husband found out about The Story Place at the State Library and pushed me to go. Now I am a daily customer. The Library has not only helped me to get out of the house but it has made me independent living in Australia.

The Library has become my second home. There are so many friendly people here in a different country where I don’t know anyone. Good people. I have made many friends with people from many different cultures. We are all equal in the Library. My children have also built strong friendships.

In India where I am from Libraries are for researchers. Not for children or people who want to improve their vocabulary. I feel lucky that I can spend quality time with my children and help them enjoy learning and books. I will be joining in English conversation classes soon too.

What makes me happiest? Being a mother and bonding with my children. Helping them to learn how to read properly with expression so they can be understood. My hidden talent? I have no official talent. I am a good homemaker, mother and at handling many things."