Kate The Justice Warrior

Inspired by the social media phenomenon Humans of New York, we have been uncovering the Library's greatest treasure, the people who breathe life into its spaces - the 'Humans of the Library'.

Meet Kate.. The Justice Warrior

"I work as a law clerk for a personal injury firm representing survivors of childhood sexual abuse. I’m in the Library uncovering information and images that will help our clients identify their abusers. It’s important work and being in the thick of it has inspired me to go back to university to study law next year.

The Library’s collection of historical records is very valuable. Documents that may have seemed insignificant at the time are now are very significant. Some even have the power to have a profound impact and change peoples lives.

I used to come and study at the State Library when I was in Year 12. It’s a place that encourages young people to learn. It’s safe, quiet, comfortable and there are people of all ages here.

It’s also nice to see people around books. I still have memories of the characters in the Library. The Salsa dancer who would bring in Cadbury Favourite chocolates and the man who would go to pray in the stacks. I like that the Library is a place where people can feel comfortable to be themselves. The Library belongs to all.

“What do you fear?” Well I do have FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Will I grow out of it? I hope so. People are so performative about their relationships and lives on social media today. Anyway I’m starting to work out that you can’t be everywhere at once!

“Any hidden talents?” My family tease me about being able to remember random things and conversations. Strange, insignificant details like the weather on a particular day.

The happiest moment in my life? Life is made up of big and small happy moments. Today for example I had lunch with my dad. It was a small moment but a happy one."