Gemma The Scientist

Inspired by the social media phenomenon Humans of New York, we have been uncovering the Library's greatest treasure, the people who breathe life into its spaces - the 'Humans of the Library'.

Meet Gemma - The Scientist.

"As a scientist and researcher I spend a lot of my time in libraries. The library is a comforting space where I feel at home. A place to work, study and meet. A source of inspiration and information. Libraries connect people and spaces and have the power to transform the communities around them in a positive way. Libraries are ‘hubs’ that draw people in and give them a sense of being a part of something important. They are the keepers of history and human thought.

Like many people I suppose, I was attracted to the well known names at the State Library's Disrupted Festival and the theme of Truth - a hot topic in a post truth Trump world. My field of work is very much about finding truth and the facts. I’m interested to understand why people are so adverse to reality.

In my 25 years my happiest moment would have to be the realisation that I was becoming an independent adult, able to play an active part in the world and make a dent in it. My greatest fear in life is that I will tumble into insignificance and not do something ‘useful’ or ‘kind’ for humanity.

My hidden talent? Well I can sing and perform. I enjoy the arts but right now my focus is on being a sleep scientist.

Who inspires me? I follow social media influencers like Bri Lee but the most influential person in my life is my mother. She brought me up to be loving towards the world and humanity, to trust my instincts and to be curious. She also nurtured my love of books and information from a very young age.