Baran The Writer

Inspired by the social media phenomenon Humans of New York, we have been uncovering the Library's greatest treasure, the people who breathe life into its spaces - the 'Humans of the Library'.

Meet Baran - The Writer

"I have been writing since I was small. Fiction, short stories, slices of life.

I don’t look back at what I have written only forward. Now I want to write longer stories and I’m in the Library reading books for inspiration.

Creating mood, emotion and place is not difficult when writing but a story must have something to say. I’m studying first year Law and Society and English Literature at university, so my guess is that I will write about injustices.

I came to the State Library for the first time two years ago. It is not cluttered with old memories, it clears my mind. It’s a productive, stimulating space. Light and elevated.

Fears I have a few. Fear of failure. Fear of getting my licence and crashing the car. Fear of getting murdered in an alleyway. Fear of getting old looking back and my life is not what I thought it would be. I tend to put time limits on things and when I don’t achieve them it makes me feel uncertain about the future.

The most influential person in my life is probably my mum. She moved (from Iran) to a different country with the intention to study a PHD and she succeeded."