Westley Bellingham Maley memoirs

Shrapnel in the lung of Westley Bellingham Maley

Westley Bellingham Maley's memoirs : "Black Boy Hill to Dickiebusch" and part two: "Guns on the Western Front" are fascinating as they recount Westley’s harrowing and humorous experiences in World War 1, all the way from W.A. to the Western Front.

Sketch map_guns on the Western Front

The memoires even include Westley’s own map of Ypres and photographs showing the internal outcome of Wesley’s “…nice little blighty…”. See page 36 – 38 of the memoirs to read the story.  It is possible to trace Westley’s movements using the trench map of 1 April 1917. There is something magical to be able to trace Westley’s Ypres story using a map that was in use and relevant to the field at the very time his story was unfolding.

HM Hospital Ship-Wandilla - image included in the memoir

The Library has digitised these memoirs so you can read them online here.