Access eBooks and eAudiobooks for FREE with your library membership.
State Library members and WA Public Library members have access to a vast collection of fiction and nonfiction eBooks and eAudiobooks. For younger readers, there is a delightful collection of illustrated interactive children's books, word games and puzzles.
To find eBooks and eAudiobooks in the State Library collection, search the catalogue or search in the collections below.

Libby is the mobile app to access the OverDrive collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines titles available to Western Australian Public Libraries.

BorrowBox provides access to WA Public Libraries' fiction and LOTE eBook, eAudiobook and eMagazine collection.

Library members can borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on their computer or mobile device with no holds or waiting.

Australian Literary Heritage Project
Untapped is a collaboration between authors, libraries, and researchers to bring back to life Australia's lost literary treasures.