Call out for LGBTQIA+ material

Since the early 1890s, the State Library of WA has collected, preserved and provided access to West Australian historical material. These collections reflect the culture, changing society, diverse communities, individual lives, and connections with the world. Everyone's story is important. The State Library's collections should mirror the diverse voices of WA, both past and present.

November is Pride month and is celebrated in WA with PrideFEST (4–24 November), an annual celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community. It also commemorates the 1989 march on the WA State Parliament to demand the decriminalisation of homosexuality. This year's theme is Shine.

The State Library of WA is seeking LGBTQIA+ related material, photographs, videos, posters, flyers and ephemera from events, social gatherings, festivals, historical moments, and daily life to add to the collection.

If you can help, more information about how to donate to our collection can be found on Donate to our Collections page.

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