Below are two lists of links to the Western Australian Uniting Church records held in Battye Library. The first list contains records from individual parishes or circuits, the second list contains records from various organisations or groups and some travelling ministers within the Uniting Church.
Please note that records ascribed to a particular parish may contain records relating to a number of other nearby locations, for example, Wembley Methodist Church records also contain HMAS Leeuwin Uniting Church records.
Also search the Catalogue for records from other churches - for example, Methodist Church (MN 172), Congregational Church (MN 257), Presbyterian Church (MN 713) and Presbyterian Interchurch Activities (MN930) - as in some instances Uniting Church records were incorporated with the records under the church’s original denomination.
Listings for individual parishes or circuits
- Albany - Scots
- Albany - Wesley
- Applecross
- Applecross-Mt Pleasant
- Armadale
- Armadale-Kelmscott
- Armadale-North Murray
- Armadale Parish Mission
- Augusta
- Avon see: Central Avon
Avon Valley - Bassendean
- Bayswater
- Bedford
- Beeliar - St Luke's School
- Beldon-Iluka
- Beverley
- Bicton
- Blackwood
- Boulder see: Kalgoorlie-Boulder
- Boyanup
- Boyup Brook
- Brunswick
- Bunbury
- Busselton
- Byford
- Canning see: South Canning
- Cannington
- Capel
- Carine
- Carnamah
- Carnarvon - St Lukes
- Central Avon
- Central South
- Claremont
- Cockburn - see: Hilton-Cockburn, Hilton-Cockburn-Kwinana
- Collie Darkan
- Corrigin
- Cottesloe
- Cottesloe_Mosman Park
- Crawley - St Columbas (Kingswood College)
- Dalwallinu
- Darlington
- Dianella see also: Yokine
- Dongara
- Donnybrook
- Dowerin
- Duncraig
- Duncraig - St Stephens School
- Dunsborough
- East Avon
- East Pilbara see: Port Hedland, Port Hedland-East Pilbara
- Eastern Goldfields
- Eastern Wheatbelt
- Esperance
- Floreat Park
- Floreat Parish
- Forrestfield
- Fremantle
- Fremantle - Wesley Central Mission
- Geraldton
- Gidgegannup
- Gingin
- Glen Forest
- Girrawheen-Ballajura
- Gnowangerup
- Goomalling see: Wongan Hills-Goomalling
- Gosnells
- Greenwood
- Guildford-Midland
- Hamersley
- Harvey
- Hilton-Cockburn
- Hilton-Cockburn-Kwinana
- Iluka see: Beldon-Iluka
- Inglewood
- Innaloo
- Joondalup Faith Community
- Joondanna
- Joondanna Emmaus Congregation
- Kalamunda
- Kaltara Retreat
- Kalgoorlie-Boulder
- Karratha
- Karrinyup see: Chrystal Halliday/Euroka
- Katanning
- Katanning Circuit
- Katanning-Nyabing
- Kellerberrin
- Kelmscott see: Armadale-Kelmscott
- Kensington see: South Perth
- Koorda
- Kwinana
- Lake Grace
- Leederville District Fellowship
- Leeuwin
- Maddington
- Mandurah
- Manguri
- Manjimup
- Manning
- Manning Rainbow Project
- Maylands-Mt Lawley
- Melville
- Midland see also: Guildford-Midland
- Moora
- Morley
- Mosman Park see: Cottesloe_Mosman Park
- Mt Barker Circuit
- Mt Hawthorn
- Mt Hawthorn-North Perth
- Mt Lawley see: Maylands-Mt Lawley
- Mt Pleasant
- Mundaring
- Mundijong
- Murchison Patrol
- Murray
- Narembeen
- Narrogin
- Nedlands
- Nollamara
- North Midlands
- North Murray see: Armadale-North Murray
- North Perth - St Margarets
- North West Presbytery
- Northam
- Nungarin
- Nyabing see: Katanning
- Osborne Park
- Peel Presbytery
- Pastoral Relations Committee
- Perth - St Andrews (Ross Memorial) see also: MN713 Presbyterian Church
- Perth Presbytery
- Pingelly
- Pinjarra
- Port Hedland
- Port Hedland-East Pilbara
- Preston
- Quairading
- Rockingham
- Rockingham-Safety Bay
- Ross Memorial
- Scarborough
- Shenton Park
- South Canning
- South Perth see also: Wesley College
- South West Regional Mission Area
- Stirling
- Stirling Presbytery
- Subiaco
- Swan Presbytery
- Swan Presbytery Camping Taskforce
- Swan View
- Swanbourne
- Toodyay
- Trinity Church
- Trinity Congegration
- Upper Avon
- Victoria Park
- Victoria Park & Districts
- Wagin
- Wanneroo
- Waroona
- Warren
- Waterman Bay_North Beach
- Wellington Regional
- Wembley
- Wembley-Floreat
- Wesley College see also: South Perth
- Wesley Church (Inc. Rowethorpe Retirement Home)
- Wheatlands Patrol
- Willetton
- Wiluna Aboriginal Community
- Wongan Hills-Goomalling
- Wyalkatchem
- Yarloop
- Yokine
- Yokine-Dianella
- York
- York - Faversham House
Listings for organisations, groups or individuals
- Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress
- Accounts Committee of Review
- Ada Purnell Library
- Adult Fellowship
- Aged Persons Homes Board
- ANZ Society for Theological Studies
- Army Chaplaincy
- Australian Inland Mission
- Board of Administration
- Board of Ministry
- Business
- By-laws Committee
- Campsites
- Caring Services
- Central Methodist Mission Homes
- Central Methodist Mission - Fraser House
- Chaplaincy Commission
- Child and Family Care Services Board
- Childrens and Family Ministries
- Chrystal Halliday/Euroka
- Colleges and Schools
- Commission for Education Discipleship & Leadership
- Commission for World Mission
- Commission on Aboriginal Affairs
- Commission on Social Responsibility
- Community Youth Services
- Congregational Community Services Commission
- Council of Synod
- Crossroads
- Day Break Camp Farm
- Dept of Social Justice & Responsibility
- Disarmament
- Division of Administration
- Dolling, John Ainsley
- Dowding, Rev. Keith
- Dunn, Rev. John
- Drugs
- Earthwise
- Energy Use & Misuse
- Evangelism Committee
- Executive Board
- Fellowship
- Frontier Services
- Gambling
- Garlett, Rev. Sealin
- General Council
- General Secretary
- Good Samaritan Industries
- Hancock, Rev. Sylvia
- Hockey club
- Independent Schools Committee
- Index
- Jacobs, Rev. Cedric
- Joint Board of Christian Education
- Joint Planning Committee
- Joint Presbyteries Settlements Advisory Committee
- Joint Settlements Committee
- Kingswood College
- Lone Parents Camp
- Miller, Rev. Alan
- Ministerial Education Board
- Ministers Wives Association
- Mission & Service Programme
- Mission and Nuture
- Mission Fellowship
- Moderators’ files
- Mofflyn Child and Family Services
- Morrell, Rev. James
- Music Committee
- National Christian Youth Convention Perth
- National Enquiry Bringing Them Home
- National Fellowship for Charismatic Renewal
- National Mission and Evangelism
- National Mission Staff
- Nursing hospitals – Fitzroy Crossing
- Noonkanbah protest
- Occupational Health Welfare and Safety Committee
- Perth Theological Hall
- Prison Outreach Ministry
- Property Trust
- Rankine, Rev.Allan
- Racism
- Rowethorpe
- Schools Education Commission
- Schools Education Committee
- Secretariat
- Sister Kates Home Kids
- Sister Kate's Children
- Standing Committee
- Stubbs, Rev. Dr A.
- Summer School
- Summer School Committee
- Synod of WA
- Synod Property Board
- Triune Music Society
- Trinity North
- Trinity Peace Institute
- Unemployment
- Uniting Care
- Uniting Care Commission
- UnitingCare West
- Uniting Church Adult Fellowship
- Walcott House
- Warehouse Café
- Wasley Centre
- Wellington Regional Mission
- Westminster House_McNess Hall
- Wilson, Rev. J.A.
- Women’s Mission Fellowship
- World Mission
- World Mission and Social Responsibility
- Youth Consultancy