Lecture theatre, with built in audio visual equipment, located on the Ground Floor.
- 207 theatre style.
Built-in projection screen and speakers
Permanent lectern and microphone
Light controls from lectern
Un-raised stage area approximately 2.5 x 8 metres
Other facilities include:
- DVD player
- audio recording
Telecoil Hearing Loop (Audio Induction Loop).
- Available additional equipment
Available 7 days a week, between 08:00am - 11.00pm
The minimum booking duration is 2 hours.
A security fee (minimum of $218.00) is charged if the Theatre is booked outside of library opening hours.
Please contact the Venues Coordinator before submitting your booking if you require out-of-hours security for firm costing.
The theatre is situated on the Ground Floor. It has spaces for approximately 4 wheelchairs and 5 seats at the front for people with disabilities, the rest of the seating is accessible by stairs. Hearing Loops are available for people with hearing problems.
Please see our page on access for more information about accessibility information in the State Library of Western Australia.
Includes Wifi and Data projector with VGA or HDMI input
Your access to the venue is strictly only for the duration of your booking (this needs to include your setup and packup times).
The minimum booking duration is 2 hours.