
The State Library of WA is calling out for LGBTQIA+ related material, photographs, videos, posters, flyers and ephemera from events, social gatherings, festivals, historical moments, and daily life to add to the collection. The State Library's collections should mirror the diverse voices of WA, both past and present.
WA Roller Derby marching in Perth Pride Parade 2013
Today is World Preservation Day, an important day for us at the State Library - the memory bank of Western Australia.
Early map of the world designed by Philip Eckebrecht 1658
Delivered by Dr Kate Gregory, Battye Historian
Cracking O’Reilly’s Code - Assessing the significance of John Boyle O’Reilly’s 1868 Book of Poetry.
Dr Kate Gregory Battye Historian
The State Library of WA is seeking submissions from established or emerging WA Aboriginal artists, to create a contemporary artwork for a new culturally safe space in the State Library building.
Cultural space Level 3 of the State Library
Local musician, Ari Davis, finds his CD in the State Library collection.
Ari Davis Musician Holds his CD in the State Library
Public survey
The public are invited to participate in research survey aimed at understanding how you engage with and value cultural organisations like the State Library of WA.
From Another View exhibition opening Ground Floor Gallery of State Library of WA
On 28 July, the State Library of Western Australia celebrated libraries and their staff at the annual Library Board Awards. Held during Library and Information Week, this year's theme of "rewrite, renew, reimagine" reflects how libraries continue to grow and diversify with changing community needs.  
Library Board Awards stage 2022
Noongar version of Better Beginnings Baby Ways book launched
Noongar version of Better Beginnings Baby Ways book launched
Maawit Mart Baby Ways in Noongar and English
QR code project
The State Library is wrapped in nearly 400 QR codes, each linking to a free classic eBook download.
People scanning QR codes on the Alexander Library building
The State Library of Western Australia and Screenwest are pleased to announce the WA Reflections – Our History Rediscovered short documentary production initiative, designed to share Western Australian culture and stories with the community, is back for 2022.
Bill Dempsey at Katukutu Aboriginal Young Mens Hostel Mt Lawley April 1960