
WA History bookshelves Level 3 State Library
The State Library is conducting a review of the Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards. The survey is open to anyone with an interest in the WA writing industry. Survey closed on 13 May.
Library exterior from Museum
The State Library provides services and resources for Western Australians in the building and online. Help us improve by completing our annual survey and go in the draw to win one of 10 x $100 Myer vouchers. Survey closed on 24 March.
From Another View exhibition opening Ground Floor Gallery of State Library of WA
Public survey
The public are invited to participate in research survey aimed at understanding how you engage with and value cultural organisations like the State Library of WA.
Front of Library building at night
The State Library of Western Australia is reviewing the collections and events/programs. We would like your ideas about how we can share stories and information, and what we should collect now and in the future. This survey is anonymous and will only take about eight minutes to complete. We appreciate your help.