Loan Policy for State Library Members

1. Purpose

To define which State Library collection materials may be loaned by State Library members for personal use.

2. Scope

This policy:

  • Applies to all collections held in the State Library building.
  • Does not apply to the loan of materials to other cultural institutions for exhibition

3. Context

The State Library seeks to balance its commitment to preserving and protecting its collections and to providing services that are in keeping with the needs of the community it serves.

The primary collecting purpose of the State Library is to acquire Western Australian documentary heritage materials and make them accessible for future generations. To ensure these materials are preserved for future generations, they are not made available for loan directly to State Library members. Where possible, the State Library will make digital copies of this material available on the Internet.

The State Library makes available for loan general printed reference materials, including music scores direct to members. These materials are made available for loan to support the information and recreation needs of State Library members.

This policy is aligned to the National and State Libraries Australia Collaborative Lending Principles.

4. Policy Statement

It is the policy of the Library Board of Western Australia that the State Library will make printed monograph materials, including music scores, available to the public through loan services except where the material:

  • has been collected under the Legal Deposit Act 2012; or
  • is held in the State Library’s Western Australian Heritage collections; or
  • the physical condition or rarity prevent it being made available for loan.

Materials held in the Western Australian Heritage collections may be made available to other libraries for in library use via the inter library loans service at the discretion of the State Library.

Whenever original or fragile materials cannot be loaned, a copy may be created and made available at the discretion of the State Library.

5. Responsibilities

Manager: Client Services (content and implementation)

6. References

  • Loan policies of other Australia state libraries.

Approved, Library Board, 7 July 2022.

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