- ACC 1438/3: Guildford Courthouse. Jury List 1889-1902
Provides name, address, title or calling and nature of qualification to serve on jury.
- ACC 3300/5: Perth Police Court. Jury List 1893
Provides name, residence, occupation, qualification.
- AU WA S5011 cons865 01: Toodyay Courthouse. List of jurors for the Magisterial District of Toodyay 1902
Provides name, address, occupation.
- AU WA S122 cons3659 1-30, AU WA S122 cons3659 31-60, and AU WA S122 cons3659 61-91
Jury Panel Lists covering 6 January 1864-6 July 1887. - AU WA S387 cons3809 2: Magistrate’s Evidence Book
Includes Jury Lists 1899-1900. - AU WA S1776 cons5319 1-13: Jury Lists 1897-1918
Jury papers for the Court of Quarter Sessions include lists of people to be summonsed to serve as jurors. - AU WA S2346 cons6038 1-3: Jurors’ Books 1885, 1900-1901
Jurors’ Books are an alphabetical listing of people chosen for jury service in Western Australia. They list the name, address, occupation and qualification of jurors (note: only selected samples of jurors’ books have been archived).