Sketch by William Stone - Convicts at Work 1867
The records of the Convict Establishment (see Agency 442) provide a wealth of information on convicts, both those transported from England and those convicted in Western Australia. Many of these records are detailed in Gillian O'Mara's Convict Records of Western Australia: a research guide (929.1072 OMA) and as a first step to tracing convicts in Western Australia this book should be consulted, as it sets out how to search records in Western Australia and England.
Among the most useful records are the Convict Lists and Registers (ACC 128), the Occurrence Books for various convict working parties (ACC 1156/Occurrence book 1-27), Registers of Casual Sick, Medical Registers and Journals, the Convict Registers (ACC 1156/R1-R33) and Receipts and Discharges of Prisoners (ACC 1156/R&D 1A-9B). Explanations and detailed listings of these records can be found in Convict Records of Western Australia: a research guide, AN 358 and Agency 442. Also of use are the Supreme Court records (see Agency 44 and Order in the Court ) as many Supreme Court records relate to convicts.
Some Colonial Office despatches (ACC 41) list convicts in shipping consignments by their name, borough and date of conviction. They can also be used for locating profiles of convicts not listed in the Convict Registers (ACC 1156/R1-R33) but the convict number is not given. Relevant Colonial Office despatch volumes are Vol. 20 (for the Pyrenees ), Vol. 21 (for the Minden ), Vol. 22 (for the Marion ), Vol. 23 (for the William Jardine ), Vol. 25 (for the Dudbrook ), Vol. 27 (for the Pyrenees ), Vol. 29 (for the Sea Park ), Vol. 31 (for the Ramillies ), and ACC 391, Box 42 (for the Mermaid ).
Many police and court records refer to convicts, not only those transported from England but also those convicted in Western Australia. Records relating to ticket of leave holders can provide convict number, name, date of arrival in district, employer's name and address, ticket holder's address, date and departure from district and where departed to. Other records found are:
- AU WA S1135 CONS 318/1: Nominal Register of expirees and those holding conditional pardons who left Western Australia by ship from Albany 1863-1894
Details include name, convict number, date of departure, name of ship, destination, ship arrived on and remarks.
Albany Road
- AU WA S1135 CONS 364/88: Nominal list of prisoners transferred from Fremantle and Perth to Albany Road parties
- ACC 252/1: Busselton Courthouse. Charge Book 1861-1871
Contains record of passes and transfers 1864-1868, engagements 1864-1868 and magisterial sentences 1864-1871 for convicts in the district. - ACC 252/6: Busselton Courthouse. Record of Charges brought before the Busselton Resident Magistrate 1873-1881
Provides convict number, name, date, charge, sentence, where sentence served, date of employment, occupation, wages, employer’s name, residence, remarks. - AU WA S1596 ACC 594/1/82: Resident Magistrate Busselton. Diary of events at Busselton Courthouse 1855-1863, 1875-1876
Contains passes issued to Ticket of Leave men. - AU WA S1596 ACC 594/2: Resident Magistrate Busselton. District Register of Convict Ticket of Leave Men 1860-1866
- AU WA S1600 ACC 594/7/1-9: Resident Magistrate Busselton. Half-yearly returns of Ticket of Leave Men 1863-1884
- AU WA S1600 ACC 594/7/10: Resident Magistrate Busselton. Ticket of Leave Passes 1861-1864, 1874-1878
- ACC 1230: Geraldton Courthouse. Tickets of Leave 1872-1886
These are actual tickets of leave and give name, convict number, age, height, physical characteristics, marital status, distinguishing marks, employment history.
- ACC 240/30: Guildford Police Station. Register of Ticket of Leave Holders in the Swan District 1866-1881
- ACC 418/15: Kojonup Police Station. Ticket of Leave Register 1881-1891
Also has list of expirees and suspected persons in district.
- ACC 1181: Nominal Roll of Convicts employed at the building of the Perth Town Hall 1867-1870
- ACC 3301/1-4: Perth Police Court. Ticket of leave grants 1862, 1867-1868, 1888
- ACC 3301/5: Perth Police Court. District transfers 1865, 1882-1885
- ACC 1386/242: Perth Police Court. Alphabetical Index of convicts
Index to ACC 1386/1-6 (described in Gillian O'Mara's book).
- ACC 367/17: Pinjarra Police Station. Register of Ticket of Leave Holders in the Murray District 1852-1900
- ACC 3314/4: Vasse Police Station. Ticket of Leave Register for the Sussex district 1864-1894
- ACC 127/5: Toodyay Courthouse. Sentences Register - Northam and Toodyay 1857-1861 and Ticket of Leave Holders 1857-1861
- ACC 422/71: Toodyay Police Station. Ticket of Leave Holders reporting at Newcastle 1887-1903
- ACC 721/30: Toodyay Courthouse. Ticket of Leave Register 1862-1863
- ACC 721/31: Toodyay Courthouse. Ticket of Leave Register 1863-1870
- ACC 721/32: Toodyay Courthouse. Index to Ticket of Leave Registers 1863-1870
- ACC 721/33: Toodyay Courthouse. Alphabetical Index to Ticket of Leave Holders 1864-1870
- ACC 721/46: Toodyay Courthouse. Records of engagements, passes, convictions and transfers of Ticket of Leave Holders 1861-1870 and Record of Conditional Pardons 1863-1869
- ACC 3313/44: Vasse Police Station. Convict Register - Convicts transferred from Sussex District 1862
- ACC 3313/45: Vasse Police Station. Prisoners in Vasse gaol 1873-1894
- ACC 3314/1: Vasse Police Station. Register of Ticket of Leave Holders in district 1855-1860
- ACC 3314/2: Vasse Police Station. Half-yearly returns of Ticket of Leave Holders in district 1860, 1870-1871, 1876
- ACC 3314/3: Vasse Police Station. Ticket of Leave Register 1861-1878
- ACC 1008/2: Williams Police Station. Occurrence Book 1881. Includes list of Ticket of Leave men
- ACC 1141/2: York Police Station. Occurrence Book 1863-1864. Includes Ticket of Leave holders
- ACC 1141/47: York Police Station. Occurrence Book 1869-1872. Includes Ticket of Leave holders
- ACC 1141/84: York Police Station. Alphabetical list of Ticket of Leave Holders 1878-1885
- AU WA S1660 CONS 5225/1: York Clerk of Courts. Ticket of Leave Register 1872-1887
The register attempts to maintain a record of employment history of ticket of leave holders. Details include name of ticket of leave holder, name of employers and details of employment. - AU WA S1662 CONS 5226/1: York Clerk of Courts. Ticket of Leave Butts 1853-1857
Records passing of ticket of leave holder from one district to another. They are dated and the registration number of each holder is given. - AU WA S1662 CONS 5227/1: York Clerk of Courts. Ticket of Leave Half-yearly Returns 1869
Records registration number and name of ticket of leave holder, name and residence of employer, rate of wages and date of issue. - AU WA S1662 CONS 5686/1: York Clerk of Courts. Ticket of Leave Half-yearly Returns 1854-1858
Records registration number and name of ticket of leave holder, name and residence of employer, rate of wages and date of issue. - AU WA S2182 CONS 5687/1-2: York Clerk of Courts. Ticket of Leave Records 1854-1862
Records registration number, name of ticket of leave holder, name and residence of employer, rate of wages and date of issue.
- CONS 929/1: List of convicts who have distinguished themselves by good conduct during the voyage of the Runnymede , signed by Surgeon Superintendent Henry Edmonds
- CONS 1518/1-4: Comptroller General of Convicts. Certificates of Freedom: Comptroller General of Convicts. Tickets of Leave
- ACC 1520: Comptroller General of Convicts. Conditional Pardons
- ACC 1521: Comptroller General of Convicts. Conditional Releases
- ACC 1533: Comptroller General of Convicts. Conditional Pardons
- CONS 1518-1519 and ACC 1520-1521 and 1533 are actual certificates and give detailed information on particular convicts.
- ACC 3290: Correspondence between Comptroller General and Police Magistrates
References to granting of individual tickets of leave. - AU WA S252 CONS 3637-3638: Supreme Court. Correspondence concerning convicts 1861-1891
Letters from Comptroller of Convicts forwarding forms detailing previous convictions and letters to Chief Justice regarding men due to appear at the forthcoming criminal sessions of the Supreme Court. Letters include list of names and registration numbers of men committed for trial and sometimes list will show whether is an expiree, conditional pardon holder, etc. Forms give convict number, name, crime and sentence, date of conviction, date of ticket of leave, subsequent re-convictions and remarks (often include name of ships on which arrived, date of arrival or date on which received ticket of leave, conditional pardon, certificate of freedom etc.). - AU WA S261 CONS 3651/1-35: Supreme Court. Returns of prisoners committed for trial at Supreme Court 1860-1887
Lists men accused with registration number (if transported) or status (Aboriginal person, free, expiree etc.). Often for transportees, ship on which arrived, offence charged with and date of committal are also provided. - AU WA S691 CONS 4285/1-2: Convict Establishment. Convict Lists Hashemy & Sea Park
Lists of convicts transported to WA on the Hashemy (1850) and Sea Park (1853). Lists show name of prison in England from where convict removed, ship's name, convict's name, registration number, age, whether can read or write, trade or profession, marital status, crime, sentence, when and where convicted, when and where received, period of detention in English prison, remarks, period served before receiving ticket of leave, period to be served in WA.
Please also consult the State Records Office staff for further information about resources listed above without an online link.
Also see headings Court Records, Criminals, Police Department, Supreme Court ,Prisoners and Fremantle Prison in Government Archival Records, Convicts and Criminals in Private Archives and Police Gazettes.