Copies of items can be ordered from the State Library collections for personal use, research, or public display and publication. Copyright and other restrictions may apply. Please see the terms and conditions for ordering.

Subject to copyright, the following items can be ordered and supplied in a digital format through this service:

  • Images and maps
  • Journal articles and book chapters (check first for digital format editions via the catalogue; an electronic version may be available)
  • Newspaper articles, manuscripts and private archives (conditions apply)
  • Film (DVD)
  • Oral histories and other audio

To order copies

  1. Search the catalogue for the item you wish to order and take note of the title and call number for the item.
  2. Fill in the order form with the required details and submit.
  3. You will receive an automatic confirmation email to confirm that we have received your request. 
  4. Staff will check the item/s for copyright and any other restrictions. If no copyright or other restrictions apply, you will be sent an email with details for online payment.
  5. When your payment has been received, your order will be placed forward for reproduction and when completed your order will be delivered by your chosen method. Standard process and delivery can take up to 15 working days. Express service if available, up to 3 working days.
  6. Contact us if you require assistance.

Current prices

Original format Copy format Price
Images and maps

Standard 300dpi, 25cm length
Items larger than A3 supplied at original size

$25.00 per image
Books and journal articles pdf $19.70 (up to 25 pages of the same item)
Additional 25 pages or part thereof $4.60
Newspapers and manuscripts pdf, tiff $19.70 (up to 25 pages of the same item)
Additional 25 pages or part thereof $4.60
Film  DVD or MPG $30.00 per item
Oral history and audio CD or MP3 $25.00 per CD
Express service All of the above 1 item an additional $25.00
2 or more items an additional $50.00

Delivery options

Option Price
Electronic file transfer Free
Pickup from State Library of WA (format: CD/DVD) Free
Postage within Australia (format: CD/DVD) $10.80
Postage overseas (format: CD/DVD) $16.50

All prices are quoted in Australian dollars. Mastercard and Visa accepted.

Terms and conditions

  • Clients are responsible for their obligations under the Copyright Act 1968 as amended by Section 189 in relation to the proposed use of the item, including but not limited to the obligation to respect the moral rights of the creator/s of the work. All requests for copying must fall within the Act.
  • The Library Board of Western Australia accepts no responsibility for any infringement of copyright, or other intellectual property rights, arising from the use of copies supplied to a client by the State Library of Western Australia.
  • Clients are required to acknowledge the State Library of Western Australia as the source of the item/s. See Acknowledgements Guidelines for more information.
  • Where the use of items requires permission from the copyright owner, it is the responsibility of the client to obtain this permission and provide written evidence to the State Library of Western Australia.
  • The State Library of Western Australia reserves the right to limit the total number of copies supplied at a given time and some items cannot be copied if they are likely to be damaged in the process. The final decision regarding the suitability of items to be copied is made by the State Library of Western Australia.
  • Additional charges may apply for high volume professional digitisation services.

Acknowledgements guidelines

For reproduction of any works owned by the Library Board of Western Australia and held by the State Library of Western Australia there should be an acknowledgement together with an appropriate bibliographic citation.

  1. Minimum acknowledgement to accompany images:
    State Library of Western Australia <image number>
  2. Full acknowledgement for reproduced works:
    Sourced from the collections of the State Library of Western Australia and reproduced with the permission of the Library Board of Western Australia.
  3. Minimum acknowledgement for film and video footage:
    State Library of Western Australia, reproduced with the permission of the Library Board of Western Australia.
  4. Special acknowledgements: If the item is from a special collection, the collection name as provided in the catalogue record should be added to the beginning of the above forms of acknowledgement.